![]() 05/08/2017 at 21:25 • Filed to: K-News | ![]() | ![]() |
Here’s a sum up of the events that happened recently.
School- Finished my spring semester on Friday, and I’m on to summer break!
Work- Just kidding, I started my new engineering internship today! So far so good for orientation. I’ll be learning a lot about automotive interior design, upholstery (which is a form of ART), and the machinery used to make them.
It should only get better/more difficult from here...
Car Things- The MetroD MI Oppo Meet was Saturday, and it was a fun get together. Got 100% Pure True North Amber Gold (Canadian Cocaine/Canadian Maple Syrup), and it’s delicious. Best maple syrup I ever had and still have.
Random GIF-
Jedi Polar Bears
So I’ve been tinkering with the car for a couple days. I’ve cleaned up the grounds, checked for spark (got it), fuel (got it), air (I’m still breathing), and with all these things, it should start. But it doesn’t.....Because CIS and old electrics. Also, the headlights are stuck open.
So I’ve replaced many of the fuses and am currently checking on the relays. A new fuel pump relay will be here tomorrow, and new sealed beam headlights will be hear as well. Also, someone put an early 944 window relay where the additional high beam relay should be, so that’s been removed. A new headlight motor relay will need to be ordered soon, after cleaning the contact points on the current relay produced no positive results.
The last thing I’ve been working on is removing and touching up the light amounts of surface rust around the car. Fortunately this is rather simple with my dremel/grinder and a careful hand not to go overboard. I’m not looking for perfection with this series of exterior repairs, but anything I can do to keep this car alive is more than worth it to me.
Life- Things are going well I guess, I still end up fighting myself more often than not for certain things every now and then though...I’m also starting to lose my faith/hope/beliefs in people of all kinds; even those I’d consider friends... :/
Tell me, is it my job to contact people all the time, or am I not worth the effort of contacting first? I’m I not an interesting individual with a lot to offer? Am I not important enough?
Do you have to threaten(correction, the word I was looking for was ‘bug’)/force/demand people to do stuff to get what you want? Is being friendly and kind just an open door to disappointment, being used, and letdowns?
Is patience truly a virtue when other people exploit your patience and tolerance?
It seems every time I make plans or want to and text people to set things up, no one ever gets back to me on whether or not they will make it or not; and if they do, it’s days later after the fact if at all. Common courtesy aside, I feel like I’m not important enough to be worth the courtesy.
Why do people suck?
It’s been over two months since I’ve deactivated the Facebook, and still nothing has changed aside from my not relying on social media improving. I spend every day by myself and any form of social activity is a miracle it seems. Maybe this internship will help, but it’s been getting more lonesome day after day and it isn’t something I feel I will adapt to.
![]() 05/08/2017 at 21:33 |
Wish I could have made it.
![]() 05/08/2017 at 22:46 |
This may be strange, but I’ve had similar thoughts and feelings lately. Why are people so hard to like? They never seem to care. They are very selfish these days. They don’t care to speak to someone they think of as less then them. I think you’re a fine person. I try my hand at being “that nice guy” in the hopes that people will find that refreshing in this world of negativity. I can see you have a similar way of doing this. Keep it up, though. I find that, even though I don’t always realize it, I’m actually helping someone or giving them hope and/or happiness. I sure know this post has given me happiness by you sharing your experiences. I wish there were more nice people in the world, too. It’s people like you and I, and most of Oppo that can change the world.
I spend every day by myself and any form of social activity is a miracle it seems...it’s been getting more lonesome day after day and it isn’t something I feel I will adapt to.
![]() 05/08/2017 at 23:12 |
I’m so glad that you were able to hang out with us! We’re gonna have to do another meet before the year’s over.
Your 924 has some weird stuff that I don’t fully comprehend (especially that fuel delivery system). But it’s good to hear that you’ve got air, fuel, and spark. I wonder if any of those is being delivered in insufficient amounts, or perhaps at the wrong time?
What was up with the fuses? Were they corroded? Blown?
I wish I could be more helpful with the life stuff. I’ve never been good at articulating those kind of things.
![]() 05/08/2017 at 23:14 |
Because there are only VERY few who are worthwhile to be with, get to know and spend time with.
But trust me, when you find one you realize they’re worth the effort of meeting every other idiot in the past.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 00:52 |
That sounds right. It’ll take some time I suppose.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 07:40 |
Do you have to threaten/force/demand people to do stuff to get what you want? Is being friendly and kind just an open door to disappointment, being used, and letdowns?
threatening people to get them to do what you want is what sociopaths do. part of being a well-adjusted person is realizing not everyone likes what you like, not everyone wants to do what you want to do, and you learn how to work around that.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 08:17 |
My early 20s were a tough time for me too but you got alot more going on than I did at that age. Nice cars going to college a fricking engineering internship. Yeah alot of people suck but when you find a good one it makes it special. Just keep fighting the good fight and lay off the Canadian cocaine a little.
![]() 05/09/2017 at 09:01 |
I didn’t mean it like that. I meant it as in doing so much as asking a small favor or for help on some things. “Bugging/pestering people” was what I was going for but the words were missing from my head when I typed this. :(
![]() 05/12/2017 at 14:00 |
Man I’m glad to hear things have been going pretty well on your “technical” front.
As far as the Life and Friends part, as we grow up, some people will be more worth keeping around than others. The good friends will put some effort into maintaining contact. Those who never put any feet forward are usually not worth too much effort to keep.
If someone isn’t getting you something you need, be polite but firm before threatening to find someone else to do the job for you. As you continue bugging the person, gradually escalate the tone/seriousness while remaining polite. If the dog don’t hunt, inform them that you plan to seek the help of someone else. Then -1 point for that friend if he/she still doesn’t deliver. This will be important for both work and friendships.
I think that might even cover the “exploiting my patience” issue as well, but feel free to clarify if it’s unrelated. Sounds like some of your crowd may be a little flakey, so keep a comfy distance from those people—not to say drop them like a bad deal, but don’t expect too much out of them.
![]() 05/12/2017 at 14:04 |
Yep, I’ve finished school, well into work, started a family.
I can count the number of old friends that still actively stay in touch, on one hand, with fingers left over.
Most friends are only relevant in passing, and that’s OK.
The ones that stay, will hang on for decades. I have an old high school friend who became a pilot and now lives halfway around the world in Hong Kong. We try to meet up whenever we are in the same place, since I do go back to visit family and he comes to CA for holiday.